ProtectionPLUS logo

• anti-inflammatory

• antitumor

• antiviral

• antifungal

• antibacterial

• anti-carcinogenic

• immuno-strengthening

• can be combined with any medications and therapies

• acts on pathogenic microorganisms without suppressing the growth of beneficial microflora

PROTECTIONplus is included in comprehensive prevention and treatment programs:

• ARVI, influenza; bronchopulmonary diseases

• inflammation of various types

• malignant tumors of different localization and varying degrees

• benign tumors of different locations

• neoplasms of various types

• herpes, papillomavirus, hepatitis B

• Covid-19

• prevention of autoimmune diseases

All “My Real Way” products are designed and produced in Europe with the latest technologies and standards.


PROTECTIONplus can be safely called a natural antibiotic, because it is based on 100% extracts of medicinal plants, the action of which is aimed at relieving inflammatory processes and destroying atypical cells in various types of tumors. 

Barbed skullcap (lat. Scutellaria barbata) numerous researches have proven the anti-cancer, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immunity-strengthening properties of the plant. In vitro and in vivo studies have confirmed that the plant affects broncho-pulmonary infections, pneumonia. The Scutellaria barbata plant contains substances that, as shown by studies and research, induce the death of ovarian and breast cancer cells. Chemical components of the plant inhibit the growth of cancer cells of many types of cancer, such as lung, stomach, bowel, breast, uterus, prostate gland. 

Pau D’arco (lat. Tabebuia impetiginosa) contains a unique substance - lapachol - with immunostrengthening, antibacterial, antiparasitic and antifungal properties. The antibacterial and antiviral effect of the plant provides effective support in the fight against viral infectious diseases, colds, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, wound healing and influenza. Lapachol specifically inhibits the growth of intracellular parasites, viruses and cancer cells, and also reduces pain. Pau D'arco tree helps increase the number of red blood cells and significantly increases hemoglobin levels.

Graviola (lat. Annona muricata) is a natural broad-spectrum antibiotic and has bactericidal, antiparasitic and antifungal properties. The chemical components of the leaves help to effectively suppress and slow down the growth of cancer cells 10,000 times more effective than the antitumor drug Adriamycin, used in anticancer treatment as a chemotherapy agent.

Chaga mushroom (lat. Inonotus obliquusincreases resistance to infections, has general strengthening, analgesic properties and acts as a symptomatic remedy for malignant tumors. Chaga mushrooms contain beta-glucans, which are naturally occurring carbohydrates that can boost your immune defense. Other early research on mice shows that chaga extract may also help regulate the production of cytokines, which can stimulate blood cells and strengthen the immune system's means of communication.

The effect is greatly increased in combination with the intake of multicomponent peptide MY REAL WAY bioregulators for cell regeneration.

All My Real Way Products